
Welsh Parliament's Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee's report Turn Up the Volume: An inquiry into the live music industry (Dec 2020presented a number of findings and recommendations that would help boost the sector in the long term.

One of the report's key recommendations was to undertake a piece of research to map Wales's music industry, focusing on live music venues, recording studios and rehearsal spaces.

Our thanks to Professor Paul Carr (University of South Wales), the Live Music Mapping Project team (Dr Patrycja Rozbicka, Aston University, Dr Mat Flynn and Dr Richard Anderson, University of Liverpool, Dr Adam Behr, University of Newcastle, Dr Martin Nicastro, University of Pavia, and Dr Craig Hamilton, Birmingham City University), Dr James Rendell (University of South Wales), and students from the University of South Wales’ BA in Music Business, who worked in conjunction with Creative Wales to develop this digital map.

Below you'll find a link to access the map, the associated report by Professor Carr and Welsh Parliament's report. Further on you can also view Welsh Government's National Education Plan for Music to provide wider context around our strategic aims. 

If you are a venue featured on the digital map and you spot something that needs to be updated, or if you'd like to be added, let us know by clicking the button at the bottom of the page. 

Need to amend or add a new venue or business listing to the map directory?

Click the button to get in touch with a member of the team.